
NatSpec Comments in Solidity

NatSpec comments are used for rich documentation of functions, return variables, events, and more in Solidity. NatSpec stands for Ethereum Natural Language Specification Format and it's based on the Doxygen notation style.

There are messages, that are focused on the developer and messages that are focused on the end-user. For example, a message may be shown to the end-user while interacting with the contract, like signing a transaction or similar operation.

single-line NatSpec comments

For a single-line NatSpec comment, use /// at the start of the line. /// this is a single-line NatSpec comment in a solidity contract

multi-line NatSpec comments

For a multi-line NatSpec comment, begin the comment with /** and end the comment with /* to finish the NatSpec comment block. /** This is a multi-line NatSpec comment in a Solidity contract */

NatSpec tags explained

In NatSpec comments, the following tags can be used but they are optional. If no tags are used, then the comment is treated as @notice tag by default.
tag description context
@title title to describe the context contract, library, interface
@author name of the author contract, library, interface
@notice explanation that can be shown to the end-user of the contract contract, library, interface, function, public state variable, event
@dev explanation that can be shown to the developer for extra details contract, library, interface, function, state variable, event
@param documents a specific parameter and must be followed by the parameter name function, event
@return documents the return variable of the function function, public state variable
@inheritdoc copies missing tags from the base function and must be followed by the contract name function, public state variable
@custom:... custom tag -
If a function returns multiple values, then multiple @return tags have to be used similar to multiple @param tags used for multiple parameters.

Generate User and Developer Documentation

NatSpec comments parsed by the compiler can generate two different JSON files as output: The User Documentation and the Developer Documentation. To generate Developer and User Documentation run: solc --userdoc --devdoc myContract.sol To generate only Developer Documentation run: solc --devdoc myContract.sol To generate only User Documentation run: solc --userdoc myContract.sol



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