
How to install and use Solidity compiler solc on MacOS

In this tutorial we show how to install the Solidity compiler on MacOS, check the installed version, get help to learn about available options and compile a smart contract written in Solidity.

Install Solidity on MacOS

To install Solidity on MacOS we can use Homebrew. This provides us with build-from-source macOS packages and we just have to follow the installation process. brew update brew upgrade brew tap ethereum/ethereum brew install solidity After the execution finished we can check that Solidity is successfully installed by querying for the version. solc --version and receive the installed Solidity version as response. If the installation wasn't successful the command above will not execute. solc, the solidity compiler commandline interface Version: 0.8.9+commit.e5eed63a.Darwin.appleclang

Install specific Solidity version

It is also possible to install a specific Solidity version by selecting the hash on the homebrew-ethereum depository on github and then pasting it into the following code: git clone https://github.com/ethereum/homebrew-ethereum.git cd homebrew-ethereum git checkout [INSERT_HASH_HERE] and then running the installation: brew unlink solidity brew install solidity.rb

check version of Solidity

To check for the version of the installed Solidity compiler we can always run the following command in the command-line interface. solc --version and the installed version is returned: solc, the solidity compiler command-line interface Version: 0.8.9+commit.e5eed63a.Darwin.appleclang

help for

To get help and learn about the available options in solc, we can use the help: solc --help

compile a contract

To compile a contract we can run: solc contract.sol and to specify a specifc EVM-version to compile for we can set the version: solc --evm-version [EVM-VERSION] contract.sol



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