
Python list.sort() method

list sort() method

The sort() method of Python lists sorts the elements of the given list in ascending or descending order. The default is to sort in ascending order. To sort in descending order, use the reverse parameter (first argument) of the list sort() method.

sort a list in Python

To sort a list in Python, use the list.sort() method as shown below. # sort a list in Python cba = ['c', 'b', 'a'] cba.sort() print(cba) In this example, the list cba contains three string values c, b and a. Then, the sort() method is called on the cba list. Finally, the sorted list is printed and the results are in ascending order by default. ['a', 'b', 'c']

sort a list in descending order

The Python list method sort() sorts by default in ascending order. To sort in descending order, use the reverse parameter as shown below. # sort a list in descending order abc = ['a', 'b', 'c'] abc.sort(reverse=True) print(abc) In this example, the list abc contains three string values a, b and c. Then, the sort() method is called and the parameter reverse is set to True. Finally, the sorted list is printed and the result is the list in reversed order. ['c', 'b', 'a']

syntax of list.sort()

The syntax of the list.sort() method is: list.sort([key, reverse])

arguments of list.sort()

The list.sort() method has two optional parameters, none of them is required.
parameter required description
reverse optional if True, the list is sorted in reversed order
key optional a function used as a key for the sorting

return values of list.sort()

The sort() method doesn't return any value. It changes the list it is called on.

time complexity

The time complexity of list.sort() is O(n).


How do you sort a list in Python?

To sort a list in Python, use the list.sort() method as shown above.



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