
Python: How to subtract variables?

How to subtract variables in Python?

To subtract variables in Python, use the - operator. It's possible to subtract two or more variables from each other.

subtract integers

# subtract variables - integers variable1 = 5 variable2 = 3 variable3 = 1 result = variable1 - variable2 - variable3 print(result) The variable2 and variable3 are subtracted from variable1 and the result is returned. 1

subtract float values

If the variables contain float values instead of integers, the - operators works in the same way. However, the result is returned as float value. # subtract variables - float values variable1 = 5.5 variable2 = 3.5 variable3 = 1.0 result = variable1 - variable2 - variable3 print(result) The variables are subtracted and the result is returned as float value. 1.0

numbers as strings

If the variables contain numbers in string format, a TypeError exception is raised. TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'str' Use the int() function, to convert the strings to integers first. # subtract variables - numbers as strings variable1 = "5" variable2 = "3" variable3 = "1" # variables are converted from string to integer result = int(variable1) - int(variable2) - int(variable3) print(result) The variables are first converted from string to integer. Then the values are subtracted and finally the result is returned. 1

subtract using the -= operator

The -= allows it to write the equation in a shorter way. # subtract variables - using -= operator variable1 = 5 variable2 = 3 variable3 = 1 # subtract variable2 from variable1 variable1 -= variable2 # subtract variable3 from variable1 variable1 -= variable3 print(variable1) Using the -= operator, first, the variable2 is subtracted from variable1. Then variable3 is subtracted from variable1. Finally the result is printed. 1



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