
Python: How to round up?

Use the math.ceil() or numpy.ceil() method to round up floats in Python. The difference is that math.ceil() returns a integer and numpy.ceil() returns a float. 

round up using math.ceil()

To use the ceil() method, first import the math module. Then we can round up the float value to the next integer. # round up using math.ceil() import math myFloat = 1.11 rounded = math.ceil(myFloat) print(rounded) The float value is rounded up and an integer is returned. 2

round up using numpy.ceil()

To use the ceil() method in numpy we import the numpy module. Then we round up the float value. # round up using numpy.ceil() import numpy myFloat = 1.11 rounded = numpy.ceil(myFloat) print(rounded) The float value is rounded up and float is returned. 2.0

Other rounding operations in Python

Python offers a variety of other rounding operations: To round down use the int() function or the math.floor() method. To round to nearest integer use the round() function or numpy.round(). To round to 2 decimals use the built-in round() function. To round to 5 (or any other number) use a custom function.



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