
Python: How to get first key in dict?

How to get the first key of a dictionary?

To get the first key of a dictionary, Python offers a variety of options.

get first key of dictionary using list()

To receive a list of keys, convert the dictionary to a list. The list includes all keys and then select the key with index 0. # get first key of a dictionary using list() myDict = {'firstKey': 'firstValue', 'secondKey': 'secondValue', 'thirdKey': 'thirdValue'} myList = list(myDict) print(myList[0]) The first key is returned. firstKey Please note that the operation can be considered expensive because a new list is created.

get first key of dictionary using loops

To get the first key of a dictionary, use a loop. # get first key of dictionary using loops myDict = {'firstKey': 'firstValue', 'secondKey': 'secondValue', 'thirdKey': 'thirdValue'} for key, value in myDict.items(): print(key) break The first key is returned and the loop is ended after the first iteration. firstKey

get first key dictionary using next() and iter()

To get the first key of a dictionary using next() and iter() functions. # get first key of dictionary using next() and iter() myDict = {'firstKey': 'firstValue', 'secondKey': 'secondValue', 'thirdKey': 'thirdValue'} print(next(iter(myDict))) The next element of the iter is returned. firstKey



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