
Python: How to get dictionary size?

How to get the size of a dictionary in Python?

To get the size of a dictionary in Python, use the len() function.

len() function

The size of a dictionary is the number of elements in it, or in other words it's length. To find the length of a dictionary, use the len() function as shown below. # find length of a dictionary using len() function myDict = {'Id': 1, 'Name': 'Ashley', 'Age': 27} dictLength = len(myDict) print(dictLength) The len() function returns the total length of the dictionary, equal to the number of elements in the dictionary. In this example, the dictionary contains 3 keys and therefore 3 is returned. Please note, that key/value pairs are counted as one. 3

further information

The len() function returns the number of element in a given object. It can be used to count the size of iterables like dictionaries and lists.



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