
Python Tuple Methods

Tuples are collections of objects which are ordered and immutable. Tuples are classified as sequences like lists. The main difference is that cannot be changed, while lists can be changed. Create a list using square brackets and to create a tuple use parenthesis. 

# create a list and a tuple
myList = [1, 2, 3]
myTuple = (1, 2, 3)

An empty tuple can be created by writing empty parentheses.

# create an empty tuple
myEmptyTuple = ()

Python indicates the type of the created object by empty parentheses. Therefore a tuple has been created.


Access Tuples

To access the tuple values, we can use square brackets with the index of the element. It is possible to slice indices to return a range of elements. For example [0:2] returns the first two elements. # access tuples myTuple = ('zero', 'one', 'two', 'three') print('first tuple value: ' + str(myTuple[0])) print('first two tuple values: ' + str(myTuple[0:2])) first tuple value: zero first three tuple values: ('zero', 'one')

Update Tuples

Tuples are immutable, therefore we can not update values like in lists. It is possible to create a new Tuple for example by combining two tuples. # combining tuples tuple1 = (1, 2, 3) tuple2 = (4, 5, 6) tuple3 = tuple1 + tuple2 print(tuple3) The new tuple3 has the combined values of tuple1 and tuple2. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

Delete Tuples

Tuples are immutable, therefore it's not possible to delete tuple values. It is possible to delete the whole Tuple with the del() function. # delete tuple myTuple = (1, 2, 3) del(myTuple) print(myTuple) The print function cannot print the deleted tuple, an NameError exception is raised because the tuple doesn't exist anymore. NameError: name 'myTuple' is not defined

Built-in functions for tuples

The table shows the built-in Python functions which can be used with tuples.
function use case
len() function count the length of the tuple
max() function returns the element with the highest value from the tuple
min() function returns the element with the lowest value from the tuple
list() function converts the tuple into a list (useful to make it mutable)

Methods of Tuples

There are 2 Tuple methods in Python. The table shows the available tuple methods count() and index().
method return value
count() returns the count for a given element
index() returns the index for a given element



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