
Python str() function

overview of str()

The str() function returns a string of the given object. It can be used to change the type of the specific object. For example, a number can be changed from integer to string.

use of str()

The str() function can be used to convert other data types to string values. # use of str() function str(5) str(2.5) The integer value 5 and the float value 2.5 are converted to the string values '5' and '2.5'. '5' '2.5'

syntax of str()

The syntax of the str() function is: str([object, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict'])

arguments of str()

The str() function accepts up to three arguments, none of them is required. If the object argument is not provided, an empty string is returned.
argument required description
object optional The object, which is to be converted to a string value, the default value is an empty string.
encoding optional the encoding of the given object, default value is 'utf-8'
errors optional the error handling when the decoding fails, default value is 'strict'.
By default, the error handling is strict, which means that an UnicodeDecodeError exception is raised.

return values of str()

The str() function returns a string of the given object. If no object is given, an empty string is returned.



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