
Python enumerate()

enumerate() overview

The enumerate() function in Python adds a counter to an iterable and turns it into and enumerate type.

enumerate() lists

To enumerate an list, use the enumerate() function and it adds a count to each element. # enumerate list myList = ['hello', 'world', '!'] enumerated = enumerate(myList) print(list(enumerated)) The list is enumerated, and an enumerated object is returned. To print the enumerated list, we use the list() function to turn it into an list again. [(0, 'hello'), (1, 'world'), (2, '!')] To see the of the return use type(). # enumerate list myList = ['hello', 'world', '!'] enumerated = enumerate(myList) print(type(enumerated)) The list has been turned into an enumerate. <class 'enumerate'>

enumerate() in loops

The enumerate() function is useful to loop over items in an object and provides a counter. # enumerate() in loop myList = ['hello', 'world', '!'] for counter, element in enumerate(myList): print(counter, element) The counter and the element are printed. 0 hello 1 world 2 !

enumerate start at specific position

Use the second argument of enumerate() to start at a specific position in the element. # enumerate() in loop - start at position 1 myList = ['hello', 'world', '!'] for counter, element in enumerate(myList, 1): print(counter, element) We have specified that enumerate starts the counter at 1, not 0. 1 hello 2 world 3 !

enumerate() syntax

The syntax of enumerate() is: enumerate(object, start=0)

enumerate() arguments

The enumerate() functions accepts one or two arguments: required: object, the object to enumerate optional: start, the position to start the count. Default value: 0. If the start position is not given, enumerate() starts the count at 0.

enumerate() return value

The enumerate() function adds a counter to the object and returns an enumerated object. The returned object has to be converted using list() or tuple() before printing or using it.



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