
Python dict() function

dict() overview

The dict() function is used to construct a new dictionary in Python. It can be used to create an empty dictionary or pass values as argument. Dictionaries are unordered, indexed and mutable (can be changed).

dict() to create empty dictionary

To create an empty dictionary, use the dict() function without passing arguments. # create empty dictionary using dict() myDict = dict() print(myDict) The dict() function created an empty dictionary. {} We can verify it by using the type() function. # verify dict type myDict = dict() print(type(myDict)) The type of the created object is returned.

dict() using keyword arguments

To create an non-empty dictionary, pass the comma-separated values in the first argument. # create a dictionary using dict() myDict = dict(name = "Mike", age = 26) print(myDict) The dictionary is created and printed. {'name': 'Mike', 'age': 26}

dict() using mapping

# using dict() with mapping myDict = dict({'name': 'Mike', 'age': 26}) print(myDict) The dictionary is created and printed. {'name': 'Mike', 'age': 26}

dict() using iterable

# dict() using iterable myDict = dict([('name', 'Mike'), ('age', 26)]) print(myDict) The dictionary is created and printed. {'name': 'Mike', 'age': 26}

dict() using mixed input

It is possible to pass mixed arguments to the dict() function. #dict() using mixed arguments myDict = dict({'name': 'Mike', 'language': 'python'}, age=26) print(myDict) The dictionary is created and printed. {'name': 'Mike', 'language': 'python', 'age': 26}

dict() syntax

The syntax of the dict() function is: dict(**kwarg) dict(mapping, **kwarg) dict(iterable, **kwarg)

dict() arguments

The dict() function accepts keyword arguments, mapping objects or iterables. Arguments passed to the dict() function can be mixed If no argument is passed, an empty dictionary is created.

dict() return values

The dict() function returns None.

related functions and methods

Some related functions of dict() are functions to create other data structures like list() or tuple().



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