
Python complex() function

The complex() function returns a complex number based on a given string or a given real and imaginary part. It is also possible to declare a complex number without the complex() function by adding j or J after a number.

Create a complex number with complex()

To create a complex number with the complex() function we can use a string or a given real and imaginary part. # create a complex number with complex() myComplex = complex(2, 5) print(myComplex) The complex number 2+5j is returned. (2+5j) We can check the type of the created number by using type(). # check the type of complex myComplex = complex(2, 5) print(type(myComplex)) The type of the complex variable is returned and we can confirm that a complex number was created. <class 'complex'> The complex() function is also useful to convert a string containing a complex number to a complex type. # convert string to complex number myComplex = complex('2-5j') print(myComplex) The complex number is returned. (2-5j)

Create complex number without complex()

To create a complex number in Python without the complex() function it needs to end with j or J. myComplex = 2-5j print(myComplex) The complex number is returned. (2-5j)

complex() syntax

The syntax of the complex function() is: complex(real, [imaginary])

complex() arguments

The complex() function takes 1 or 2 arguments:
  • required: real, the real part of a complex number.
  • optional: imaginary, the imaginary part of a complex number
If the first argument is a string, the second argument is optional. The string should be in the format [real](+/-)[imaginary]j.

complex() return value

The complex() function returns a complex number of the type complex. If the passed arguments don't represent a valid complex number, a ValueError exception is raised. ValueError: complex() arg is a malformed string



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