
Python all() function

The Python all() function can be used to determine if all elements of an iterable are True. If any element is False, it returns False.

all() on Python lists

Example 1: list1 = [False, True, False] print(all(list1)) In this example False is returned, because at least one of the booleans in the list is False. False Example 2: list2 = [0, 1, 2, 3] print(all(list2)) In this example False is returned, because 1, 2, 3 are True, while 0 is False. False Example 3: list3 = [] print(all(list3)) In this example True is returned, because the list is empty. False Example 4: list4 = [0, False, ''] print(all(list4)) In this example False is returned, because all items in the list are False.

all() on Python strings

Example 1: string1 = 'example string' print(all(string1)) In this example True is returned, because the string is True. True Example 2: string2 = '0' print(all(string2)) In this example True is returned, because the string '0' is True. The string '0' is different than the integer 0, which is False. True Example 3: string3 = '' print(all(string3)) In this example True is returned, because the empty string is True. True

all() on Python dictionaries

If the all() function is used on a Python dictionary, it will return True if all keys are True or the dictionary is empty. If any key is False, False is returned. It is important to understand, that the keys matter, not the values of the dictionary. Example 1: dictionary1 = {0: 'hello'} print(all(dictionary1)) In this example False is returned, because the key 0 is False. False Example 2: dictionary2 = {} print(all(dictionary2)) In this example True is returned, because the dictionary is empty. True Example 3: dictionary3 = {0: 'hello', False: 'world'} print(all(dictionary3)) In this example False is returned, because both keys 0 and False are False. False Example 4: dictionary4 = {'0': 'hello'} print(all(dictionary4)) In this example True is returned, because the key '0' is a string and True. True

all() syntax

The syntax of the all function is: all(iterable)

all() arguments

The all() function takes exactly one iterable (list, string, dictionary) as argument. In case more or less than one iterable is given, an TypeError occurs.

all() return value

The all() function returns a boolean value: True, if all elements are True True, if the iterable is empty False, if at least one of the elements is False
condition return value
All values are True True
One value is True, others are False False
One value is False, others are True False
All values are False False
The iterable is empty True
To check if any value is True or False, the any() function is useful.



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